Wednesday 19 January 2011

Digital Divide

The Digital Divide is the difference between those who have got access and haven't to I.C.T it is also those who can and cant use the computer. people in the third world countries are more likely to not have a computer because there country are not rich enough to buy or create the computer.

 Points of Digital Divide
  • Education - can give information on anything.
  • Ability to use I.C.T - they may not know how to use the computer.
  • Helping community ecommerce - like buying stuff of EBay.
  • limited access - not able to pay to use the computer for long and rich country's have unlimited access.
  • health care - theres two ways, bad and good the good side is providing health advise to people to country's thought skype and the bad side is getting people more fatter and lazy which will effect there health.

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