Wednesday 9 February 2011

Staying Safe online

There are lots of sites around that allow you to talk to other people on the web such as facebook and Bebo. Chat rooms give you the chance to have a conversation with other people and get instant replies.

It can be a great way to chat to other people who share your interests, but you should always be careful not to pass on any of your personal details and information. You should always keep in mind that Internet users can pretend to be anyone they like. They can lie about their age, their interests and whether they're male or female. No matter how long you've been chatting, remember that they're still strangers and you still don't know them.

You should also not go on some websites because you could get virus and other malware attacks so be careful of what you go on and do not click on the advertisements saying that you have won a competition because it could be people trying to spam and they will start sending you emails all the time.

You should have a back up of your data because you might loss the data or it can be stolen by someone hacking the computer system and the data protecting act which defines UK law on data which means your own privacy and no one else should know about. Its to protect peoples rights and freedoms and there right to privacy with respect. the Blogger has its own privicy settings which means you can give certain people the site of your blogger by sending them it. Also business should have there own policy and procedures which you need to be aware of. Some of these can be found in the company handbook and some you will be told about during your induction.

keeping Data save

Encryption - you can tell when a page is received encrypted from the web server by a little pad lock icon in the middle or right end of the status bar at the bottom of the browser window, also encryption software executes an algorithm that is designed to encrypt computer data in such away that it cant be recovered without access to the key this prevents debit and credit card fraud and gives confidence to users.

Secure Sites - are like pay pal or bank sites which keeps your bank details safe from people like hackers, there is secure buying websites like eBay and amazon which allows you to buy items which doesn't give out your bank details which gives you protection.

Three of the Threats

Cyber Bullying - is use of information and communication technologies to support deliberate, repeated, and hostile behavior by an individual or group, that is intended to harm others. It has become more common in society, particularly among young people, legislation and awareness campaigns have arisen to combat it.
Cyber-bullying has been defined as when the Internet, cell phones or other devices are used to send or post text or images intended to hurt or embarrass another person. you can access website links, which can solve the problem:
Facebook also has a complaint policy were you can report people that are Cyber Bullying people.

Spamis where some one sends junk emails to everyone and says that you have won something but you have not entered any competition in anything and when you click on it, the person who sent that email gets your email address and will send loads more of emails which can give you Viruses and Trojans.
You can prevent this by clicking the X button on the top right corner and there is spam filter which blocks the spams coming through.

Phishing - a method used by criminals trying to trick people into disclosing their bank account details and passwords. Usually the method used is to send an email which appears to come from your bank and containing a link to a site similar to your bank. You enter details and the site steals the information it requires. Advice is never responding to these emails. In business you might ask all staff to report receipt of such emails.
This can be prevented by not giving your details out unless they're family and you trust them.